Discover unique connections to self, others, and nature through movement and music.

Exploring Within is a healing & wellness silent disco. We facilitate guided dance journeys and immersive connection experiences in nature. We

create safe spaces that foster well-being, self-expression, authenticity, belonging, and freedom. 






  • Amanda

    “There is nothing I love more than dancing and meeting new people, but I can sometimes be a little shy when it comes to both. Through this guided experience I was encouraged to be goofy and silly and to get in touch with my body. With this encouragement, it made it so much easier to open up and connect with everyone around me on such an authentic level. There’s nothing that’s more uniquely you than the way you dance when nobody’s watching. I’m so truly grateful for this experience and can’t wait to come back!”

  • Frank

    “I am a retired US Marine; I was trained to be hard and never to cry because tears were considered a sign of weakness. I have no shame telling you I shed a few tears in front of a group of people. That had never happened in my life before, but I felt so liberated. During the silent disco, I entered in a momentary trance of complete tranquility as if nothing else in the world mattered.”

  • Sara

    “This silent disco was in a word, transformative. I was nervous to dance in general. Bri was warm and welcoming in the vibrant Hawaiian setting. Peace and ease washed over me after I heard her sweet voice in the headset. This experience has me considering new possibilities and perspectives. My take away...growth and clarity of what I wish to experience in my life. An absolute 5 Star experience, high value for a really affordable price! I loved it! Much Gratitude”

  • Dina

    “Exploring within is a guided silent disco that pulls you outside your comfort bubble and engages you with the people and environment around you, as well as focusing your thoughts and feelings inward to reflect and dig deeper within your own subconscious for a healing journey. I was pleasantly and robustly surprised. These experiences embody a range of emotions, from feeling happy, ecstatic even, to melancholy and nostalgic, as well as abundantly loved, but also independent and alone in a powerful way. Everyone’s experience is different, of course, as we all set different intentions and are moving through different life events. Regardless, much of the vibes are supportive, friendly, and open yet vulnerable”

Join us for a journey of self-discovery & exploration